How to Treat Dehydrated Skin vs Dry Skin – Florozone

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How to Treat Dehydrated Skin vs Dry Skin

Small pores can be found in your skin, and the sebaceous glands are located beneath them. To maintain healthy, supple skin, sebaceous glands produce an oil known as sebum. Your skin's ability to produce oil can be highly influenced by your genes, age, and hormones.

Your skin will produce less oil if your sebaceous gland activity is lower than it should be, which will cause your skin to feel dry and irritated. Lack of oil in dry skin can cause it to appear tight or flaky.

Your skin might occasionally feel dehydrated, just like your body does. The absence of water in the top layer of your skin is the cause of this. Your skin is covered in a barrier that keeps moisture in and restricts water loss.

The best skincare item that everyone should use every day is natural SPF 50 sunscreen. That holds genuine even on cloudy days because the UV rays still penetrate. According to research, sunscreens might very well have anti-aging and cancer-prevention properties.

The skin loses the moisture that was held in by this barrier when it is damaged. Skin dehydration could result from this.

What could cause dry skin?

  1. Growing older As you get older, your skin produces less oil. Your skin may become rough and dry as a result of this.
  2. Allergies And Other Health Issues

Your skin type may change as a result of conditions like high cholesterol, hypertension, certain allergies, and other health issues.

What Leads to Skin Dehydration?

Sun: In the same way that UV rays can damage your body, they can also dehydrate your skin. Your skin's look of fine lines and wrinkles is largely influenced by UV rays. Your skin may become damaged and may also feel and look exhausted as a result.

  1. Include facial serums in your skincare regimen

Your skin can be soothed and dryness can be reduced with essential oils. Your skin will remain supple and soft as a result.

  1. Spend money on moisturizers

Ingredients, which moisturisers add to the skin, can help your skin feel less dry and itchy.

To your hand, add a few drops of lotion (more if your skin is particularly dry or on rougher areas such as elbows and knees).

Warm up the moisturizer by rubbing your palms together.

Small, circular motions with your hands are used to massage the lotion into your body.

  1. Spf 50 sunscreen

Significant Sunscreen Factors For Skin Protection



Sun protection factor is abbreviated as SPF. The percentage of protection provided by sunscreen in comparison to skin without sunscreen is indicated by the number next to the SPF.

Full Spectrum

This phrase denotes that the sunscreen offers protection from both UVA and UVB rays. This is really crucial. If you want your UVA protection to be equal to the damaging UVB rays, too, just look for products that say "broad spectrum."

Active Components

In order to shield your skin from sun damage, sunscreens contain a variety of "active ingredients." Some of these substances may be damaging to the environment and human skin. It's critical to look for natural sunscreen for oily skin with mineral-active ingredients like zinc oxide.